Thursday, September 7, 2017

A lion and a lamb (Story)

A lion and a lamb 

Once there was a lion in a forest that was very big and wild. There was also a sweet little lamb in that forest and it was so timid and mild. The lion snarled and roared from forest to glen. All creatures of the forest trembled hearing the lion’s roaring. So it was fearful. It was not liked by any creatures. No one wanted to make friendship with it. But the lamb used to make sweet sound. All creatures liked it and it found a good friend. Then the little lamb said to the lion, “Why are you so mean, mister Lion? Can’t you see that a little less roar means more friends for thee?” The lion became surprised. The lion looked at the lamb and said, “Aren’t you scared of me?” The lamb remained quiet. The lamb said normally, “No. You don’t scare me.” The lion looked confused. It became speechless and then the lamb said, “Can’t we be friends?” The lion then smiled and so did the lamb. All looked at the lion and the lamb with astonished eyes. It was unbelievable for the rest of the creatures. Two creatures that are different at every way became closest one another. From that day all knew them as good friends.

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